ECE 445S Lab Component#

As of Fall 2021, the instructions for the lab exercises will be entirely self contained in this lab manual. The exercises now use the STM32H735G Discovery Kit.

Required textbook#

Some reading assignments will include sections of the following textbook, which is available as a free download from ARM:

Digital Signal Processing using Arm Cortex-M based Microcontrollers by Cem Ünsalan, M. Erkin Yücel, H. Deniz Gürhan.

The STM32F4 discovery board used in this book is different from the hardware we will use in lab, but most of the contents on signal processing, embedded programming, and ARM Cortex-M processors is applicable to the hardware we will use.

Optional textbook#

Prior to fall 2021, the laboratory component used the OMAP-L138 Low-Cost Developer’s Kit (LCDK) and the following book

Thad B. Welch, Cameron H. G. Wright, and Michael G. Morrow, Real-Time Digital Signal Processing from MATLAB to C with the TMS320C6x DSPs, CRC Press, 3rd ed., Jan. 2017, ISBN 978-1498781015.

This book is now optional, but you may find it helpful since some exercises were adapted from it.

Format of lab#

Each laboratory section meets three hours per week. Pre-laboratory quizzes are required for laboratories 2-6, and they are to be completed individually without help from anyone. For laboratory 1, the experiment and written report are to be completed individually. For laboratories 2-6, the experiment and report are to be completed in a team of two. For laboratory 7, which is optional, the experiment and oral report are to be completed individually. The format of the written lab report is described with each lab assignment.


Each lab is worth 40 points. Lap report grading consists of 30 points for the reported contents and accuracy. The report should be typed and submitted on gradescope.

The remaining 10 points are for attendance and participation of lab recitation. Lab recitation will be held at the beginning 15-20 minutes each lab.

For partial credit, please submit all work even if incomplete or incorrect.



Prelab Quiz Due

Lab Work To Complete

Lab Report Due

Aug. 26

0. Review of Prerequisites (Optional)

Sep. 02

1. Intro to Hardware and Software

Sep. 09

Lab 2

2. Sinusoidal Generation Part 1

Lab 1

Sep. 16

2. Sinusoidal Generation Part 2

Sep. 23

Lab 3

3. Digital Filters Part 1

Lab 2

Sep. 30

3. Digital Filters Part 2

Oct. 07

3. Digital Filters Part 3

Oct. 14

Oct. 21

Lab 4

4. Data Scramblers

Lab 3

Oct. 28

Lab 5

5. Pulse Amplitude Modulation Part 1

Lab 4

Nov. 04

5. Pulse Amplitude Modulation Part 2

Nov. 11

5. Pulse Amplitude Modulation Part 3

Nov. 18

Lab 6

6. Quadrature Amplitude Modulation

Lab 5

Nov. 25

Dec. 02

Lab 7

7. Audio Effects

Dec. 09